Why Do I Need A Website?

Why should a business have a website? More specifically, why do small businesses need a website? Surely for small business owners, there’s enough to be dealing with already! Ultimately, you need to be responding to how your customers are behaving. 

Before trying out a new business or service, many people now turn to the Internet to make an informed choice about their purchase. This makes having an online presence essential for business success in the modern economy. The benefits of having a website when you run a small business are huge.

Despite this, many small businesses are not harnessing the Internet’s full potential. The Guardian has revealed that 60% of small small businesses do not have any presence online whatsoever. Although it is clear that business is becoming increasingly digital, small business owners are often unconvinced about why they should build a business website. If you are a local professional who only serves a small area, it may seem like a waste of time setting up a website. Surely word-of-mouth recommendations are enough?

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